Sunday, March 23, 2008

Power Struggles in Tehran and Washington

Current Dar Al Hayat Analysis;
Who is, politically, in better shape? Iran's President Mahmud Ahmadinejad or his implacable opponent, U.S. President George W Bush? Both leaders are conservative hawks. Both have recently crushed dissent at home and imposed their authority. But both face very considerable difficulties - political, economic and strategic.[...]One way and another, Iran seems better placed than the United States to retain and exercise long-term influence in the Gulf region. Once America's troops return home, and its calamitous neo-colonial adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan are brought to a close - as they must be sooner or later -- Iran will be the neighbour with whom the Arabs will have to live, trade, work and coexist. Geography cannot be denied.


Weak People Are Open, Empty, and Easily Occupied By Evil...,

Tucker Carlson: "Here's the illusion we fall for time and again. We imagine that evil comes like fully advertised as such, like evi...